Friday, October 8, 2010

VW Day!

Yesterday, my friends, was VW Day (that would be, Victory over Wisdom Teeth). It's true, the event I've been dreading since childhood has come to pass, and I have come out on the other side. I made Bama Man promise to keep me from blogging yesterday since the last time I tried blogging on heavy medication I left out all the letter P's. Hopefully I will have more luck today.

(My setup: Ice pack, meds, Starbucks coffee, and breakfast. Plus pillow, leggings and one of Bama Man's comfy sweatshirts.)

Speaking of Bama Man, he has been soooo amazing! Protective as ever and more than happy to provide me with anything I need, and more. He said I was pretty, chipmunk cheeks and all. He even made me cream of wheat. I am so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful husband!

(My guardian for today. I'm pretty sure he's been given strict instructions by Bama Man; he hasn't left my side all day)

I tend to be an anxious dreamer so all Wednesday night different scenarios for my big day ran through my head. Turned out to be a lot less eventful than I expected. For one thing, I didn't do anything remotely funny when I came too after the surgery. Quite the contrary actually - I woke up sobbing uncontrollably. Apparently it's a common side effect for women (though for some men as well). I was shaking and crying so much that they actually had to wait until I calmed down before they brought Bama Man back because they didn't want him to worry about me. Good grief! It was kind of embarrassing that after I worked so hard to seem brave, all my pent up anxiety came streaming out when I was no longer in control of my faculties. Oh well. I tried my very best to smile and let the incredibly nice nurses know that I was grateful for everything. I think they got the message.

We eventually made it home safe and (almost) sound. I haven't been as loopy or groggy as I thought I'd be. Just a little sore and sleepy, trying to get as much rest as I can. I can't say that I'm not absolutely loving the chance to kick back for awhile. It's been really nice. Kind of sad to think it's moving so quickly. I've been watching movies, blogging, and eating to my little hearts content. Well, maybe not eating to content - I had no idea I would be so HUNGRY! There goes my naive hope of losing a few pounds this weekend. I did make a yummy mashed potato soup in my new dutch oven. I'll have to post the recipe (If I can remember the measurements).

(My stash: Cream of wheat, pudding cups, oatmeal, coffee, mashed potatoes, and ice cream)

I can feel my senses clouding again so I had better end this before I start babbling or reveal Bama Man's true identity or something :) I look forward to blogging with you today!

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