Sunday, January 3, 2010


Cats. They can't be trusted. I am not a dog person and generally advocate for cats against the many confused Americans that seem to think that cats are fickle creatures with too much attitude and too little personality. Okay, so cats ARE fickle, and I can't argue that they have LOTS of attitude, however, one thing cats DO NOT lack is personality. Let me tell you something, Our cats have placed themselves as the substitutes for our unborn children from day one. They are worse than toddlers.

Before I moved in, my husband had one cat, Walker, who followed him around to the point of insanity where he actually brought home a second cat, Pierce, just to give Walker something to do. In typical fashion, he was unable to outsmart the cat, and now they both follow him around. When I moved in, even though they had seen me on numerous occasions and were plenty grateful for my attention on those days, we had some adjustment issues. The cats actually shunned me and made it perfectly clear they were choosing to ignore my existence until I actually ceased to exist. Which I didn't. I'm happy to say that after almost a year, filled with an embarrassing amount of bribing, they've given in. Of course, what I neglected to prepare for was that I am now the one they follow around when my Husband is not home. Pierce is the particular Momma's boy. When I wake up, Pierce is there. When I eat breakfast, Pierce is most definitely there. When I do chores, Pierce is there. When I use the ladies room, you guessed it.

The thing about overly attentive cats is that they expect you to be overly attentive. That being said, it should come as no surprise that it makes the cats very anxious when we go to bed at night. Since Christmas we have taken to locking them in "their" room rather then merely locking them out of ours. But those cats. They are not to be trusted. They simply can not stand the fact that I may be sleeping peacefully somewhere in the house instead of begging them to let me pet them! So last night, minutes after drifting in to sleep, my husband and I were woken by a melodic crashing of fantastic proportions. Think "Phantom of the Opera." Since a picture is worth a thousand words, allow me to simply leave you with this...

I'm sure our neighbors were thrilled....


  1. We are down to one psycho cat. One psycho cat is easier to deal with than 3 with issues which is what I lived with for almost 15 years. It is funny how it DOES seem to take them about a year to adjust to anything new. Glad to see you are being stalked as well.

  2. That last comment was from me. I can never predict what Google is going to do...

  3. Hi Lucy, got your blog address from your mom's blog which I got from FB....

    Our cats' room that they are sequestered in at night is the laundry room. (I would never dream of giving them a room with a piano! BTW, we have a b&w kitty who makes music on the piano keys that looks like yours.) The cat room is set up with rugs and cushions, food, water, bathroom facilities, etc., just for cats. They like their room, except for that closed door....
